Friday, July 31, 2015

Meek Mill (@MeekMill) - "I Wanna Know" (Drake & Safaree Diss)

   While going through this soap opera I try not to be bias like most of Drake Navy. Like I gave Drake credit for "Back To Back" he had a few hot bars and crazy shots at Meek but Drake's first diss was very light. This is Meek's first diss which is entitled "I Wanna Know" and unlike Drake, Meek spit facts and wasn't trying to be funny. Meek also is going at two dudes on one track. Man I'm not getting into the bullshit because people choosing sides over favorite artist or whatever but Meek's diss is better to me. Take a listen wit your bias headphones off thou. Link is at the bottom.

- @weirdo_leek

                                                              "GET THE WORD OUT!"

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